Tanz, Ballett & Circus Dance
Fr 18/10/2024 19.30

Emanuel Gat

Freedom Sonata


Großer Saal

Past event

© Julia Gat


Emanuel Gat celebrates his 30-year anniversary as a choreographer with a hymn to freedom. Freedom Sonata celebrates dance as a method of exploring our society in movement: “I’ve never created anything to COMMENT on the world, I’ve always created to UNDERSTAND the world.“ And what the Israeli choreographer, who now lives and works in Marseille, wants to understand is the distribution of power and resources, the growth of totalitarianism and the tension between individuals and communities. Two musical inspirations provide the structure and soundtrack for this “choreographic sonata“: the second movement from Ludwig van Beethoven’s last piano sonata No. 32 in C minor, op. 111, whose rhythmic complexity has been with Gat for a long time and Kanye West’s multi-layered hip-hop album The Life of Pablo. For Gat, renowned for the compact and intense nature of his work, dance offers a way of visualising human experiences and relationships and reconceiving our lives together in utopian terms. In Freedom Sonata he explores the question of what true freedom is and can be.

Supporting programs

Fr 18/10/2024 17.00

Shuttle-Bus Wien-St. Pölten-Wien

Past event

Fr 18/10/2024 18.30

Bewegte Einführung

Learn more about the production – with your body! Together with our cultural educators, you can try out simple choreographic elements. Meeting point: 6.30 pm in the Kleiner Saal, limited space.
Fr 18/10/2024 21.00

Talk & Tapas

Dance is a fleeting art form. Over wine and canapés, we discuss (in German) what we have seen. Meeting point: after the performance in the Kleiner Saal. Free of charge, max. 10 people, registration: kulturvermittlung@festspielhaus.at.

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  • Tanz, Ballett & Circus From 6 events with 30 % discount

    Classical, contemporary and urban: pure dance!

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