In a monthly dance and movement session, we get your bodies and minds moving and provide a balance to what can be a stressful working day. The first half of each session focusses on empowering the body and getting it moving: after this we introduce you to the movement language and material of the dance companies that will visit Festspielhaus St. Pölten next. This process allows you to experience short movement sequences inspired by their pieces in direct physical form and to appreciate them on an entirely new level.
Anyone who delights in movement, has a deeper interest in the dance productions at the Festspielhaus or just simply wants to get into the swing of things is in the right place here!
- free of charge
- open class, just turn up!
- no need to register
- no previous experience necessary
- changing rooms/showers available
- sessions are on Wednesdays, 09.15 to 10.15 h
- location: Probebühne 2 (rehearsal room 2)
Leonie Humitsch studied Contemporary Dance Education at MUK – Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna and art & economy at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. She has demonstrated her great passion for contemporary dance through work as a freelance dancer, choreographer and dance educator, notably from 2012–2018 with her collective eva & eva, and since 2019 with freitanz. Leonie has been part of Festspielhaus St. Pölten since 2022, where she has specific responsibility for developing audiences for dance. She conceives and delivers projects that are intended to facilitate a spectrum of access to contemporary dance for people ranging from amateurs to professionals.
Christina Ebner ist Tänzerin, Tanzpädagogin und Choreografin. In ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit legt sie großen Wert auf Vielfalt und Einzigartigkeit, auf Partizipation und Community-Work. Tanzend und choreografierend wirkte Christina bereits in mehreren – auch generationsübergreifenden wie inklusiven – Projekten mit. Weiters leitet Christina das Kollektiv Tanzconnec:tive, das sich insbesondere der Aufgabe stellt, vielfältige Begegnungen mit Zeitgenössischem Tanz zu gestalten. Christina studierte Zeitgenössische Tanzpädagogik, Volksschullehramt sowie Sport-, Kultur-, und Veranstaltungsmanagement in Wien und Tirol und ist seit 2022 als Tanzvermittlerin im Festspielhaus St. Pölten tätig.